Two Diode Full Wave Rectifier

Description of the Two Diode Full Wave Rectifier component in Schematic Editor

A schematic block diagram of the Two Diode Full Wave Rectifier is given in Figure 1.

Weight of a Two Diode Full Wave Rectifier component for real-time/VHIL simulation is 1.

Figure 1. A schematic block diagram of a Two Diode Full Wave Rectifier


  • AC_IN_1 (electrical)
    • AC side IN1 port.
  • AC_IN_2 (electrical)
    • AC side IN2 port.
  • OUT (electrical)
    • DC side port

General (Tab)

  • Reverse diode direction
    • Enables reverse diode direction

Extras (Tab)

The Extras tab gives you the opportunity to set Signal Access Management for the component.
Signal visibility is calculated based on the 'signal_access' property and whether or not a parent component in its hierarchy is locked or not. Components that are not contained within locked components expose their signals regardless of the 'signal_access' property. The 'signal_access' property can have one of three values:
  • Public - Components marked as public expose their signals on all levels.
  • Protected - Components marked as protected will hide their signals to components outside of their first locked parent component.
  • Inherit - Components marked as inherit will take the nearest parent 'signal_access' property value that is set to a value other than inherit.
Note: In real-time simulation, the case when both diodes are conducting is not supported by this model. If both diodes are forward-biased, only one will conduct.