Application Notes Introduction

Brief overview of the different categories of Application Notes

Table 1. Summary of Application Note categories
Category Description of Content
Grid-connected converters Grid-connected converter applications featuring various grid support functionalities.
Automotive Electric cars and other automotive applications.
Aerospace System-level and component-level aircraft applications.
Battery management systems Battery management system (BMS) examples
How-to Guides Guides, tips, and tricks on various aspects of Typhoon HIL toolchain usage.
Communication Protocols Interoperability. Cybersecurity. Modbus, Sunspec, IEC61850, IEEE C37.118, DNP3, CAN, OPC UA, and more.
Power Systems Power system simulation. Relay protection testing. Power flow tool integration and co-simulation.
Microgrids Rapid microgrid pre-commissioning and system integration. Microgrid controller RCP and testing.
Electrical Drives Converters coupled with high-fidelity electrical machine models for high performance motor drive applications.
Power Supplies Linear and switching power supplies for industrial and laboratory applications.
Marine Power Systems Hybrid propulsion, shipboard power management, offshore renewables, offshore oil and gas platform power supplies.
Power Quality Real-time power quality/harmonic analysis. Incorporate active filters and FACTS devices (STATCOM, DVR, SVC).
Railway System-level and component-level application examples for railway (traction) equipment.
Medical Devices X-ray, MRI, ICD, pacemakers, defibrillators, emergency ventilators, ECG, EMG, bioelectronics.