Single Phase Diode Rectifier

Description of the Single Phase Diode Rectifier component in Schematic Editor

A block diagram and input parameters for the rectifier component are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Single Phase Diode Rectifier component in the Schematic Editor core library
component component dialog window component parameters

Single Phase Diode Rectifier

  • General
    • Optimization for square AC voltage (enabled/disabled)
  • Experimental
    • Rectifier optimization (enabled/disabled)
Weight =1

When Optimization for square AC voltage is checked, the rectifier behaviour is optimized for rapidly changing AC-side voltage, such as during a square signal.

When Rectifier optimization is checked, it optimizes the switching block to reduce the memory requirements of the model.

Note: The default state for Rectifier optimization property is enabled. In some corner cases, optimization should be disabled in order to increase accuracy.

A schematic block diagram of the Single Phase Diode Rectifier component is given in Figure 1, with its corresponding switch arrangement and naming.

Figure 1. The schematic block diagram of a Single Phase Diode Rectifier component with its corresponding switch naming