While automotive and aerospace industries have already adopted model based HIL testing, power electronics industry is only playing a catch up. The good news is that the 4th generation HIL is delivering the unprecedented model fidelity needed for the most advanced motor drives and automotive power electronics applications.
High switching frequency converters, new wide-bandgap semiconductors, and new topologies are fueling the need for next generation controllers that are demanding HIL testing with ever smaller simulation time steps; faster gate drive sampling times; smaller loop-back latencies; and increasing model fidelity (including nonlinearities, spatial harmonics etc.).
Join us and learn more about advanced HIL404 features that enable ultra-high fidelity real-time simulation for very high frequency applications.
Attendees will learn about:
- Overview of HIL404 Technical Features
- Nonlinear machine modeling
- Accurate real-time converter power losses simulation;
- JMAG-RT Integration (Import) Demo
- DAB (Dual Active Bridge) Demo

Ph.D. Computer Science from University of Novi Sad