
Driving digital transformation

Designed to serve a specific geographic area or a community, microgrids localize energy systems and contribute to ensuring a stable and reliable energy supply. Their ability to operate independently from the main power grid – generating, storing, and distributing electricity on a local scale – renders them invaluable as a solution for increasing energy security, promoting renewable energy adoption, and decentralizing the energy system for industrial complexes, military bases, university campuses, and commercial districts.

To enhance the resilience and reliability of local energy supply and distribution, it is critical for system integrators to ensure full lifecycle support, safety, preparedness, and recovery strategies, in the event of unforeseen circumstances and natural disasters.

A solar powered garage with wind turbines in the background, harnessing renewable energy for sustainable living.
Maximizing your testing efforts

Solutions for Microgrids

Typhoon HIL’s microgrid offering provides a comprehensive solution for testing, validating, and optimizing microgrid systems using Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) technologies. It allows for realistic simulation, control algorithm development, performance evaluation, and system optimization, enabling the efficient development and deployment of reliable and resilient microgrids which address the complexities and challenges of microgrid systems.

Leveraging digital twins for your microgrid projects, you can seamlessly complete an interactive project catalog to present your operational and financial benefits. Through HIL simulations, users can assess system stability, energy management strategies, renewable energy integration, load balancing, and other critical aspects of microgrid operation.

A smartphone displaying a cityscape with tall buildings, wind turbines and internet connections.
A computer screen showing a circuit diagram in a Schematic Editor, illustrating the flow of electrical currents through a microgrid.

Typhoon HIL help you identify potential issues, optimizing control parameters, and ensuring reliable and efficient microgrid performance by: 

  • Connecting your prototypes to existing energy storage systems, PV plants, diesel gensets, etc.  
  • Optimizing your development processes and enabling full test automation on systems, sub-systems, and components
  • Providing direct insight into the behavior of your controls under the full range of operating conditions
  • Interfacing your designs with a high-fidelity digital model of the power system executed on ultra-low-latency real-time emulators and harness the benefits of test-driven development
  • Reducing development costs and shortening development cycles while improving your control design
  • Creating a fully working microgrid control prototype allowing you to assess its behavior even at the earliest steps of its lifecycle
  • Fully validating your system against multiple sets of common standardized tests, even those that conventional power labs struggle to implement

Minimize your risks by assessing microgrid behavior and performance in a virtual environment with Typhoon HIL.

Mar 2, 2021

Hitachi Energy | Microgrid e-mesh™ Digital Ecosystem

Hitachi Energy’s e-mesh™ digital ecosystem enables the digitalization of distributed energy resources. The e-mesh portfolio offers end-to-end distributed energy solutions, combining advanced analytics, software technology, and hardware systems.