The two most challenging Hardware in the Loop (HIL) testing applications in the Electric Vehicle (EV) domain are motor drives and battery chargers. Developing and testing control software for these power converters are challenging due to: high switching frequency, new wide-bandgap semiconductors, highly nonlinear motors, new topologies, and their safety critical role.
To enable comprehensive HIL testing of EV power electronics controllers under all the operating conditions, including faults, it is necessary to use high-fidelity plant models able to capture all the relevant real-world phenomena. These include semiconductor power losses (including switching and conduction losses), on-state voltage drops and switching delays, heat-sink thermal models, motor nonlinearities including spatial harmonics, inter-winding short circuits etc.
Dusan Cohadzic is a Modeling and Applications engineer at Typhoon HIL. where he works on implementation of new library components and features related to power electronics and microgrid applications. He also helps customers build their models. He graduated with Master of Science (MSc) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.
Petar Gartner is the Head of the Electric Machine Modeling Group at Typhoon HIL. Petar leads the development of advanced computationally efficient ultra-high fidelity real-time machine and converter models. He also works closely with the most advanced HIL users to accelerate technology development and customer HIL adoption. He holds M.Sc. in Power Electronics and Electrical Machines from University of Novi Sad.
Attendees will learn about:
- Intro to HIL Testing of EV motor drive ECUs
- High fidelity power converter models
- MOSFET power loss models
- High fidelity motor models
- Demo: EV drivetrain example

Typhoon HIL

Typhoon HIL