Typhoon HIL Control Center 2024.3 is now available! In this video, we’ll give you a sneak peek at what’s new in this latest software release, packed with new features and improvements that will help you achieve your HIL project goals, so make sure to download it, give it a run, and let us know what you think!
This software release brings you the following new features:
– Support for new HIL devices: HIL101 and HIL506
– Support for unconstrained SP execution rates
– Help support for Library Widgets in SCADA
– Communication interface updates: EtherCAT Master component, Modbus Server pipelining feature, and Extension of ABS encoder protocols
– Differential protection example
We hope these additions and improvements will help you further optimize your HIL projects. As always, we look forward to your feedback and learning more about additional features you would like us to implement next. Make sure to download the new release, give it a try, and let us know what you think!
◼ Learn more about the 2024.3 software release:
Release Webpage | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/support/software-releases/
Software Download | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/products/software/download-center/
◼ Learn more about these features on the following web pages:
– HIL101 device webpage | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/products/hil-simulator/hil101/
– HIL506 device webpage | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/products/hil-simulator/hil506/
– Library Widgets Help documentation | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/documentation/typhoon-hil-software-manual/concepts/how_to_use_library_widgets.html
– Ethercat protocol documentation | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/documentation/typhoon-hil-software-manual/References/ethercat_protocol.html
– Absolute Encoder documentation | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/documentation/typhoon-hil-software-manual/References/absolute_encoder.html
– Differential protection application note | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/documentation/typhoon-hil-application-notes/References/differential_protection_example.html
– HIL Simulation for Power System Protection course | https://hil.academy/courses/hil-simulation-for-power-system-protection/
◼ Advance your skills and become a certified HIL Specialist at HIL Academy:
HIL Academy is a free e-learning platform founded by Typhoon HIL with the idea to build a unique playground where the digital power community can come together and openly share knowledge and collaborate in building new educational and training material. Browse available courses: https://hil.academy/
◼ Connect with us:
Visit our website | https://www.typhoon-hil.com/
Follow us on LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/company/typhoon-hil-inc/
Subscribe to Typhoon HIL News | https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/typhoon-hil-news-6919639643034451968/
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Learn at HIL Academy | https://hil.academy/
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