The increasing number of distributed energy resources (DERs) across the electrical grid has been driving the protection and control complexity to levels not seen before.
The resulting microgrids require appropriate management solutions to optimize and guarantee performance of the individual DERs and of the microgrid as a whole.
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation has been proved essential for a comprehensive test and development of protocol communication, cybersecurity and optimization algorithms of such microgrid management solutions.
On this webinar, the AES Brazil and CERTI Foundation present their developments on a microgrid controller design and discuss how HIL testing has accelerated their project.
Attendees will learn about:
- CERTI project overview
- Microgrid requirements
- Use Case: COGE as microgrid base model
- Test setup description

FundaĆ§Ć£o CERTI

AES Brasil

Typhoon HIL