Streamlined motor drive design and control.

Model-based software development is a widely accepted practice in the automotive industry, motivated by the software’s safety critical nature and the need for the development and testing process to comply with the ISO 26262 and ISO15118 standards. In response to this growing trend, Typhoon HIL provides a complete design and test solution to electric and hybrid vehicle manufacturers to speed up the development cycles, reduce cost of development, and improve quality.Ā 

Our solution with JMAG bridges the gap between motor design and control design and testing. As design workflows typically start in JMAG Finite Element method (FEM) motor design software, Typhoon HIL then offers a seamless flow into controller design and testing with our toolchain. JMAG software package creates finite element models which are ultra high-fidelity but unsuitable for real-time simulations. It then adapts these models for HIL simulators. Typhoon directly imports the adapted models. They are still ultra high-fidelity and accurately represent the real system, allowing automated testing of control software over a wide range of scenarios and operating conditions, including faults.

JMAG users benefit from this integration as it enables:

  • EV powertrain software developers to have the same fidelity level plant model across MIL/SIL and HIL
  • Improved testing efficiency and effectiveness, and communication between hardware and control design teams
  • Streamlined Streaming of the product development processes, improvingĀ  project schedule performance, and reducingĀ  the number of software defects
  • Simulation of your motor in real-time in the loop with the actual Engine Control Unit (ECU)
  • Exporting lumped circuit motor model via JMAG-RT
  • Test automation with HIL in the design stage
  • Evaluation of the control software performance against a system exhibiting nonlinear effects such as flux saturation and spatial harmonics, and power losses.
Jun 8, 2020

How to import JMAG-RT models into THCC

In this tutorial video, learn how to speed up motor drives control design and testing with the JMAG-Typhoon HIL integration.