Project Objectives
Local community energy systems (CES) initiators lack the capacity for high-quality simulation, business modelling and automated operations. Local CES lack the services that allow them to employ advanced energy system technology. The EU-funded CREATORS project will support technical, financial and social processes that support local initiators to establish and operate advanced CES. The project will be deployed in four sites in Belgium, Spain, Slovenia and Estonia and reproduced in another six sites in Bulgaria, France, the Netherlands and Spain. The delivered services will reduce preparation and operational costs by 60 %, ensure 99.95 % uptime, reduce capital expenditure by up to 35 % and increase additional incomes by 40 %, resulting in local energy price reduction and job growth across CES.

Typhoon’s role as a project partner
Typhoon HIL Is leading the tasks which will integrate the simulation toolchain of i.LECO with its (Typhoon HIL’s) emulation toolchain into an integrated Simulation and Emulation Engine. The main goal is to create a cloud-based platform which enables demonstration, verification and validation of Community Energy Systems / Local Energy Communities from the first stage of assessing the renewable potential, over techno-economic analysis, leading all the way to verification and validation of CES/LEC optimizations, digital integration and pre-commissioning.
We are doing this by beveloping a cloud-based library of components for creation of digital twins of CES pilot sites which enable rapid verification, validation and demonstration of technical and financial use cases relevant for establishing and operating advanced CES (Community Energy Systems). This is possible thanks to integration with i.LECO’s energy trading and forecasting cloud platform which has a database of historical and real-time data (this data is used to feed the digital twins for various test scenarios, enabling partners to verify operation and benefits of CES).
Testing sites
4 primary sites are tested in the project:
- a local residential energy community in Tartu, ES (TREA).
- an 8-MW steel mill in Slovenia, SI (ACRONI).
- a fisherman’s dock with ice factory and fish market in Barcelona, ES (PCB).
- an 2-MW industrial-residential complex in Temse (PV, BESS, pumped hydro, tidal hydro, electrolizer, V2G and HVAC), BE (Cordeel).
There are also several follower sites, including Castilla Y Leon (industrial site), and Blagovno Shopping Mall (tertiary and office buildings)
Field of science
Commerce (Secure, clean and efficient energy; A single, smart European electricity grid; Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands)), Local Energy Communities, Community Energy Systems, lifecycle, cost reduction, energy saving, self consumption, DER integration, microgrids, VPP, de-risking , Microgrids, Digital Twin, Test Automation, MBSE.