
This sub-category contains twelve discrete components: Accumulator, Integrator, Unit Delay, Delay, Transport Delay, Rate Limiter, Differentiator, FIR Filter, Discrete Transfer Function, Discrete State Space, Hysteresis Function, and Low Pass Filter.

The Discrete sub-category provides several discrete calculation components. Their descriptions and supported features are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Discrete components in the Signal Processing category of the Schematic Editor core library
Component Description Features Help file
supported input types supported output types vector support


Accumulates an input signal. real, int, uint real, int, uint yes Accumulator


Integrates an input signal using the Backward Euler method. real, int, uint real yes Integrator

Integrator Rollover

Integrates an input signal using the backward Euler method. Output rolls over after the specified value. real, int, uint real no Integrator Rollover

Unit Delay

Delays the input signal by one sample period. real, int, uint real, int, uint, inherit (user selectable) yes Unit Delay


Delays the input signal by N sample periods. N can be specified through a property (fixed delay) or by the input signal (variable delay). real, int, uint real, int, uint, inherit (user selectable) yes Delay

Transport Delay

Applies a defined delay to the input signal. real, int, uint real, int, uint, inherit (user selectable) yes Transport delay

Rate Limiter

Limits the rising and falling rate of the change. real, int, uint real, int, uint yes Rate Limiter


Provides a derivative of the input signal. real, int, uint real yes Differentiator

FIR Filter

Implements a direct form FIR filter. real, int, uint real, int, uint, inherit (user selectable) yes FIR Filter

Discrete Transfer Function

Implements a discrete transfer function where the numerator and the denominator can be specified in either the Z or S domain. real, int, uint real, int, uint, inherit (user selectable) yes Discrete Transfer Function

Discrete State Space

Implements a discrete state space where coefficient matrices A, B, C, and D can be specified in either the Z or S domain. real, int, uint real, int, uint, inherit (user selectable) yes Discrete State Space

Hysteresis Function

Models a hysteresis function. real, int, uint real, int, uint yes Hysteresis Function

Low-Pass Filter

Models a low-pass filter. real, int, uint real yes Low-Pass Filter

Advanced Low-Pass Filter

Models a low-pass filter, with the possibility to choose the filter type. real, int, uint real yes Advanced Low-Pass Filter