Local Namespace

This section describes the Local Namespace feature available in HIL SCADA.

Local Namespace assigns a namespace for only a selected group of widgets. In this way, the selected group of widgets can be decoupled from the rest of the global namespace as an independent, portable group. The local namespace can be specified in the properties dialog of the Sub-Panel and Group widgets (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Group widget local namespace settings
Note: Variables and functions defined in the local namespace of Sub-Panel and Group widgets will be available for use in all Macro and Expression scripts of the components managed by those widgets.
Note: For resolving nested local namespaces (a Group widget inside another Group widget for example) parent/child relationship is used. All variables specified in the parent local namespace are available in all of its children local namespaces. In the same way, global namespace variables are available in all local namespaces.
Note: All local namespaces are initialized on simulation start triggered by the Level 3 namespace initialization. In case any local namespace is changed while the simulation is running, use the Re-initialize namespace action from the toolbar to reinitialize global and all local namespaces.