Standalone HIL SCADA

This section briefly describes Standalone HIL SCADA tool

The main purpose of Standalone HIL SCADA is to be used as a control and observation environment for hardware connected to a PC, using any available communications protocols (for instance, serial connection by using a special Serial connection widget) or user-specific python code.

Figure 1. Standalone HIL SCADA
Note: Standalone HIL SCADA can be used alongside regular HIL SCADA.
Note: Standalone HIL SCADA cannot be used for controlling HIL simulation.
To run HIL SCADA in Standalone mode, can use a shortcut located in the Windows Start Menu or start it from the command line:
usage: typhoon_hil sa_hs [--fullscreen] [--panel CUS_FILE] [--start]

optional arguments:
  --fullscreen      Run HIL SCADA tool in the full screen
  --panel CUS_FILE  Load specified HIL SCADA Panel file (*.cus)
  --start           Start simulation

The "sa_hs" option stands for "Standalone HIL SCADA".

If for some reason you don't have typhoon_hil in path by default, you can execute commands directly on the Typhoon HIL Control Center executable. For example:

C:\>cd "C:\Program Files\Typhoon HIL Control Center 2019.4\"
C:\Program Files\Typhoon HIL Control Center 2019.4>typhoon_hil.exe sa_hs <<commands>>

As explained above, Standalone HIL SCADA is a functional subset of regular HIL SACADA. Therefore, some functionalities and options (listed below) are not available:

  1. Loading a compiled Model (.cpd files) is not available
  2. Loading Model Settings (.runx files) is not available
  3. Model settings control dock is not available
  4. HIL API and Schematic Namespace are not pre-imported and available for use in the SCADA namespace
  5. All Monitoring widgets only have the Expression data type available
  6. The widgets listed below are not available in Standalone HIL SCADA:
    1. Capture/Scope
    2. Frequency Response
    3. Stream Data Logger
    4. PV Monitor