Command Toolbar

Description of the Command Toolbar in HIL SCADA

The Command Toolbar is an element of the HIL SCADA user interface which contains buttons for the most commonly used HIL SCADA functions. The icons of each command and their function can be found in the list below.

  • Load new Model - load a new Model. The currently loaded Model will be closed.
  • Reload Model - reload the latest compiled version of the simulated Model, including its initial conditions. If a Model is changed in the meantime (before reloading), this operation will try to preserve its current Model settings.
  • Connect to external Model (beta) - connects to the last Model loaded from an external application. When external model is successfully connected, the icon will change its appearance. This option will become unavailable when a Model is loaded through HIL SCADA and not externally. This functionality currently has a beta status.
  • Disconnect from external Model (beta) - disconnects from the external Model and returns HIL SCADA to its initial state. When external model is successfully disconnected, the icon will change its appearance. This option will become unavailable when the Model is loaded through HIL SCADA and not externally.
  • Model info - displays useful information about the opened model and the connected HIL device(s)
  • Load Model settings - open a previously saved Model settings file. The file must have a .runx extension. Once the settings file has been opened, if the Model is changed in the meantime, it will try to preserve the saved Model settings, otherwise, if a Model is not changed, all Model settings will be set.
    Note: The old type of GUI settings file with the file extension .run does not contain all the necessary information to preserve all Model settings. To maintain backward compatibility, HIL SCADA will display a warning if an old type of settings file is loaded, but will try to restore as many Model settings as possible from the file.
  • Save Model settings - save all current Model settings in a .runx extension file. If the current Model settings were not entered from the file, the Save command executes the same function as the Save model settings as a new file command (see the explanation for Save As command below). On the other hand, if the current Model settings were entered from the file, the Save command will overwrite that file.
    Note: Model settings files can only be saved if the simulation is not running.
  • Save model settings as a new file - save all current Model settings in a new .runx extension file.
    Note: Model settings files can only be saved if the simulation is not running.
  • New Panel - create a new Panel in the new tab.
  • Open Panel - open a Panel in the new tab.
  • Save Panel - save the currently selected Panel in a .cus file
  • Save Panel as - save the currently selected Panel in a new .cus file
    Note: HIL SCADA automatically backs up all opened and modified Panels periodically. The backup file (with the .bak extension) is saved in the same location as the original file.
  • Panel Initialization - open the Panel Initialization dialog
  • Re-initialize namespace - run Level 3 HIL SCADA namespace initialization
  • Start simulation - start the simulation by clicking this button
  • Stop simulation - stop the simulation by clicking this button
  • Undo command – undo the last command (moving, resizing, copy/cut/paste, changing properties, etc.)
  • Redo command - redo the last command
  • Zoom in canvas - zoom in the canvas of the currently selected Panel
  • Zoom out canvas - zoom out the canvas of the currently selected Panel
  • Restore zoom level - restore the canvas zoom level of the currently selected Panel to the default zoom level
  • Best fit - automatically sets the appropriate zoom level to fit all items in the view
  • Full screen – puts the Active Panel in the full screen. To exit the full screen mode, press F11
  • Reboot used HIL Devices (located inside Model menu) - Reboot all HIL Devices used in the loaded Model
    Note: HIL Devices can be rebooted only after the Model is loaded.
    Note: In case the simulation is not running after all HIL Devices are rebooted, the Model will reload automatically.
    Note: In case the simulation is running, the simulation will be automatically stopped, HIL Devices will be rebooted, and the Model will be automatically reloaded.