Externally controlled sources

Description of the Externally Controlled Current Source and Externally Controlled Voltage Source components in Schematic Editor

The Externally Controlled Source components allow use of the analog inputs of a HIL device's I/O Ports to define voltage and/or current sources during model emulation. For example, these components allow for generating a voltage or current source for the model based on the output from a function generator connected to the HIL analog inputs.

Model control for gain and offset allows HIL SCADA inputs to define and change offset and gain settings for current and voltage sources during the simulation.

Table 1. Externally controlled source components in Schematic Editor core library
component component dialog window component parameters

Externally Controlled Voltage Source

  • ai_pin_addr (1 . . 8)
  • ai_offset (-5 . . +5)
  • ai_gain
  • model_control_for_gain_and_offset

Externally Controlled Current Source

  • ai_pin_addr (1 . . 8)
  • ai_offset (-5 . . +5)
  • ai_gain
  • model_control_for_gain_and_offset