Controlled sources
Description of the controlled sources components in Schematic Editor.
Six types of controlled sources are available: current controlled current source (CCCS), voltage controlled current source (VCCS), current controlled voltage source (CCVS), voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS), look-up table controlled voltage source (Vlut) and look-up table controlled current source (Ilut). Controlled sources can be controlled by any voltage or current from the model. The number of controlled sources used in the model is not limited. The only limitation is that the controlled sources must be compiled into the same SPC as the components that control it. Controlled sources are supported for all HW platforms.
component | component dialog window | component parameters |
Current controlled current source |
Current controlled current source:
Voltage controlled current source |
Voltage controlled current source:
Current controlled voltage source |
Current controlled voltage source:
Voltage controlled voltage source |
Voltage controlled voltage source:
Look-up table controlled voltage source |
Look-up table controlled voltage source:
Look-up table controlled current source |
Look-up table controlled current source:
Tab: Parameters
In the Component Properties dialog, in the Parameters tab, there are three parameters. When Choose signal is unchecked, Control label allows you to define a vector of component labels whose current or voltage will control the controlled source. Control gain is a corresponding vector of real numbers that defines the gain of the control value. In that case, both of control parameters must be vectors of exactly the same length.
The output of the controlled source when the Choose signal checkbox is unchecked (Figure 2) can be calculated with the equation:
where Y(t) is the voltage or current output (depending on the type of the source), X1(t)... Xn(t) are the variables defined by the Control label vector of length "n", and are the corresponding gain values defined in the Control gain vector. All gain values must be real numbers.
When Choose signal is checked, the Control label property will let you choose an appropriate signal from the list of available signals in your model, and that current or voltage will control the controlled source. In that case, Control gain is a real number, not a vector.
Tab: Measurement
Depending on the component, either current or voltage measurement is enabled by default, which means that a voltage or current of the source will be in the list of analog signals. Measurement can be disabled by setting the Measurement enable parameter to False. This option is useful in situations with large models, where reducing the number of measurements may allow the model to run on a specified HW platform.
Look-up table controlled sources
In the Component Properties dialog, there are three parameters. Input vector is an array of input values used to calculate the output of the look-up table. Voltage (Current) vector is an array of output values according to the related input values used to calculate the output of the look-up table, and thus the voltage or current of the source. The Control component property is a fully qualified name of a current or voltage measurement that is representing the input to the look up table. The Preview button displays the look-up table function.
An example schematic diagram that uses controlled sources can be found in the Example Explorer under \how-to examples\controlled sources\ControlledSources.tse.