Signal data export

This section describes the Signal Data Export dialog

In the Signal Data Export dialog you can export signals captured in Capture to the selected file format.
Figure 1. Signal Data Export window
  1. Available signals - shows all available analog, digital, or Virtual signals that can be exported.
  2. Signals to export - choose whether to export all available signals or just the selected signals.
  3. Export format - select the file format for signal export.
  4. Start export - when you click on the Start export button, you will be asked to choose where you want to save the exported file. After that, the export process will be started.
    Note: Once signals are exported to the selected file format, a Signals View Configuration file (.svc file) with the same name will be created in the target directory. The Signals View Configuration file contains information how exported signals are arranged on viewports, signals color, line type, and other viewport settings. This file will be automatically found and opened in the Signal Analyzer tool when the exported signals data file is imported.