Plot and Signal Properties window

This section describes the Plot and Signal Properties window

The Plot and Signal Properties window allows you to change the graphic properties of the plotted signals, as well as the X and Y ranges of the plots.

This window contains the following elements:
  1. Tree panel - contains elements which represent all the plots and their signals. By clicking on an element within the tree panel, the Settings Panel will display the selected element's editable properties. (number 1 in Plot and signal properties window)
  2. Settings panel - contains all the editable properties of the selected tree element - either a plot or a signal. Initially, this panel displays a message prompting the user to make a selection in the tree panel. (number 2 in Plot and signal properties window)
  3. Reset buttons - there are two ways to reset the settings. The first is to reset all the values of every element to their defaults, meaning that both plot settings (X and Y range) and signal settings (color and type) will be reset. The second way to reset the settings is reset only plot settings (X and Y range), while keeping the signal settings. (number 3 in Plot and signal properties window)
Note: By saving the settings, all future data captures will be displayed with these settings if the settings are enabled on the Plotting options toolbar in the Capture widget.
Note: These settings are saved to the GUI (.CUS) file, as well as the state of the settings toggle button (if the panel is saved with the settings toggled on, the settings will be applied automatically the next time the panel is loaded from file).
Figure 1. Plot and signals properties window
As mentioned, depending on the selection in the Tree panel, the Settings panel can display settings for:
  • Plots - minimum and maximum ranges for the X axis (number 1 in Plot settings) and Y axis (number 2 in Plot settings).
  • Signals - line type (number 1 in Signal settings) which can be solid - default, dotted, dashed, dash-dotted and dash-dot-dotted, and line color (number 2 in Signal settings) which can be any color available in the color picker dialog which is displayed when the Select Color button is clicked.
Figure 2. Plot settings
Figure 3. Signal settings