Dynamic Grid Fault

Description of the Dynamic Grid Fault component in Schematic Editor.

The Dynamic Grid Fault component emulates a fault on a three phase grid using ideal switches. The chosen fault can be selected through either SCADA input or signal processing input. This is chosen by the Properties window of the component. Each of the eleven available fault types have their own code number (Table 1) that is used to apply the fault during simulation execution. In Table 2 the Schematic Editor symbol and the Properties window of the Dynamic Grid Fault are shown. Phase to phase and phase to neutral resistances can be defined using the Properties window; by default they are set to 0.1Ω. Phase to neutral resistance must be greater or equal to half of the defined phase to phase resistance: R p h _ n R p h _ p h / 2 . Depending on the chosen fault type, the states of the ideal switches in the component are controlled using the state machine implemented in the C function block. The internal structure of the component with the selected SCADA input is shown in Figure 1. The digital signal processing part is executed with an execution rate specified in the Property window.

Table 1. Fault select table
Fault type Fault code number
A-N (Phase A to Neutral) 5
B-N (Phase B to Neutral) 2
C-N (Phase C to Neutral) 1
A-B (Phase A to Phase B) 8
A-C (Phase A to Phase C) 6
B-C (Phase B to Phase C) 3
A-B-N (Phase A to Phase B to Neutral) 9
A-C-N (Phase A to Phase C to Neutral) 7
B-C-N (Phase B to Phase C to Neutral) 4
A-B-C (Phase A to Phase B to Phase C) 10
A-B-C-N (Phase A to Phase B to Phase C to Neutral) 11
Table 2. Dynamic Grid Fault component
component component dialog view component parameters
  • Control method
  • Phase to phase fault resistance (Ω)
  • Phase to neutral fault resistance (Ω)
  • Execution rate
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of Dynamic Grid Fault component

Internal digital measurements of the Dynamic Grid Fault component

Digital output variable name Description
(name).S1_fb Digital feedback of the Phase A switch
(name).S2_fb Digital feedback of the Neutral switch
(name).S3_fb Digital feedback of the Phase B switch
(name).S4_fb Digital feedback of the Phase C switch