Anti-islanding Container
Description of the Anti-islanding component in Schematic Editor.
The Anti-islanding component is composed of three phase switches, three phase voltage source, passive components, and measurements. The internal structure of the anti-islanding container is shown in Figure 1. Phase voltage and phase current measurements are included, as shown in Figure 1. In Table 1, the Schematic Editor symbol and the Properties window of the grid simulator are shown.
component | component dialog window | component parameters |
Anti-islanding |
The list of available measurements of anti-islanding is shown in Internal analog measurements of the Anti-islanding component
Internal analog measurements of the Anti-islanding component
Analog output variable name | Description |
(name).I_EUT_a | Phase A current of device under test. |
(name).I_EUT_b | Phase B current of device under test. |
(name).I_EUT_c | Phase C current of device under test. |
(name).I_grid_a | Phase A grid current. |
(name).I_grid_b | Phase B grid current. |
(name).I_grid_c | Phase C grid current. |
(name).V_grid_a | Phase A grid voltage after grid impedance. |
(name).V_grid_b | Phase B grid voltage after grid impedance. |
(name).V_grid_c | Phase C grid voltage after grid impedance. |
(name).Vgrid_A | Phase A grid source voltage. |
(name).Vgrid_B | Phase B grid source voltage. |
(name).Vgrid_C | Phase C grid source voltage. |
(name).inductance_phase_A | Phase A grid inductance current. |
(name).inductance_phase_B | Phase B grid inductance current. |
(name).inductance_phase_C | Phase C grid inductance current. |
(name).La | Phase A RLC load inductance current. |
(name).Lb | Phase B RLC load inductance current. |
(name).Lc | Phase C RLC load inductance current. |
(name).Ca | Phase A RLC load capacitance voltage. |
(name).Cb | Phase B RLC load capacitance voltage. |
(name).Cc | Phase C RLC load capacitance voltage. |