TyphoonTest IDE Project Panel

This section describes the Project Panel available in TyphoonTest IDE

Real-time only: This document is valid only for real-time/VHIL simulation.

The Project Panel is a panel that provides an overview of the structure of the current working directory. The Project Panel also provides basic functionalities needed to manipulate the directory structure.

The main features of the Project Panel can be accessed through the context menu by right clicking anywhere in the Project Panel.

These features include:
  1. Create directory - Creates a new directory.
  2. Create file - Creates a new file.
  3. Delete - Deletes the selected items.
  4. Rename - Renames the selected item.
  5. Cut - Cuts the selected items and copies the selected items to the application clipboard.
  6. Copy - Copies the selected items to the application clipboard.
  7. Copy path - Copies the path of the selected items to the system clipboard.
  8. Paste - Pastes the current clipboard content to the selected path.
  9. Run - Runs the selected .py script
Figure 1. Project Panel
Other functionalities include:
  1. Expanding all directories in the directory structure.
  2. Collapsing all directories in the directory structure.
  3. Revealing hidden files and listing them in the directory structure.
Figure 2. Project Panel