Plot modes toolbar

This section describes plot modes toolbar

This toolbar, located below the main plot area, contains various mode commands explained in the text below:

  • Auto-scale current plot - auto-scales the plot area to fit plotted signal x and y boundaries.
  • This button has two modes: pan and zoom. Press the left mouse button and hold it to pan the figure, dragging it to a new position. If you press ‘x’ or ‘y’ while panning, the motion will be constrained to the x or y axis, respectively. Press the right mouse button to zoom, dragging it to a new position. The x axis will be zoomed in proportion to the rightward movement and zoomed out in proportion to the leftward movement. The point under your mouse when you begin the zoom remains stationary, allowing you to zoom to an arbitrary point in the figure. You can use the modifier keys ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘CONTROL’ to constrain the zoom to the x axis, the y axis, or aspect ratio preserve, respectively.
  • Zoom-to-rectangle mode. Put your mouse somewhere over the axes and press the left mouse button. Drag the mouse while holding the button to a new location and release. The axis view limits will be zoomed to the rectangle which you have defined. There is also an experimental ‘zoom out to rectangle’ mode, where the right mouse button will place your entire axes in the region defined by the zoom-out rectangle.
  • Show markers mode - shows the signal points’ markers.
  • Span selection mode - activates the span selection mode that draws vertical span boxes for selecting minimal and maximal x-axis range. All points that are inside the selected range will be selected and marked in green. Activating this mode will also activate the Show markers mode (if not already activated).
  • Rectangle selection mode - activates the classical rectangle selection mode. All points that are inside the selected rectangle ranges will be marked in green. Activating this mode will also activate the ‘Show markers’ mode (if not already activated).
  • Select all points - selects all signal points and marks them in green. Activating this mode will also activate the ‘Show markers’ mode (if not already activated).
  • Move marker mode. The user can move individual or multiple (selected) marker point(s). Activating this mode will also activate the ‘Show markers’ mode (if not already activated), and deactivate any other selection mode which is currently active.
  • Disannul selected points – sets all selected points to zero.
  • Undo command. Undo the last change made to the waveform.
  • Redo command. Redo the last Undo.
  • Save. Click this button to launch a file save dialog. You can save the current plot with the following extensions: png, ps, eps, svg and pdf.