Quick Start: Running Your First Simulation

How to run an example model with a working software/hardware setup.

After you have installed the software on your testing infrastructure and connected your hardware, you are ready to run your first simulation. We will use a model of an induction machine variable speed motor drive with a built-in controller to get you familiar with the Typhoon HIL software environment.

Running the Induction Machine Open-loop Control Example

  1. Power on your HIL device.
  2. After opening Typhoon HIL Control Center, select the Example Explorer icon and find the Induction machine with open loop control model.
    Figure 1. Induction machine with open loop control example in Typhoon HIL Control Center
  3. Select the Open model button.
    Figure 2. How to open an example model
    The model will now open in Schematic Editor. If this is your first time opening Schematic Editor, it may take some time while libraries are loaded.
    Figure 3. Induction machine model in Schematic Editor
    To run the simulation, press the Compile and load model in HIL SCADA button. After compilation has completed HIL SCADA will open.
    Figure 4. Compile and load model in HIL SCADA button
  4. When the compiled model is loaded into HIL SCADA, the appropriate SCADA panel file for the particular model will be automatically recognized and displayed below the label Panels files found in Model directory. The SCADA Panel file for example models can be found in the same folder where the model file is located.
    Figure 5. Open SCADA panel in HIL SCADA
  5. After loading the SCADA panel, the simulation can be started by pressing the Run button (Figure 6). The simulation will start and the signals observed from the simulation will be displayed in the Capture/Scope Widget (Figure 7).
    Figure 6. Start the simulation
    Figure 7. HIL Scada Panel
    The Capture/Scope widget is a powerful tool in which you can observe simulated signals. Signal settings and Display settings allow you to find and display a particular signal from the model and adjust its visual properties.
  6. HIL SCADA allows you to create a fully customized user interface. You can monitor the simulation signals in many different ways using a wide selection of Panel Widgets. This is done by dragging and dropping widgets from the Library Explorer Dock, which is on left side of the window (Figure 8). Once added, you can configure and use the widgets to monitor or control model execution, either directly or by using Python code. You can even group multiple widgets into your own custom Widget Libraries for use across multiple panels. Furthermore, SCADA can be used as a human-machine interface (HMI) towards external devices (controllers, laboratory equipment, etc.). For more information on using widgets, please refer to the HIL SCADA documentation section.
    Figure 8. HIL SCADA widgets

Run a model using Virtual HIL

If no HIL device is connected, you will still have the option to compile and run the model using Virtual HIL. Virtual HIL is a software module within the Typhoon HIL software toolchain which emulates Typhoon HIL40x/60x device in non-real time on a PC. Due to the software-based nature of Virtual HIL, there is no external IO support.

In case Virtual HIL is available for the compiled model (Figure 9), that option will also be shown.

Figure 9. Load model to Virtual HIL option
When using Virtual HIL, you can select both which HIL device you would like to emulate and its device configuration in the Model -> Schematic Settings menu option in Schematic Editor (Figure 10). You can find out more in the Schematic Editor menus and toolbar documentation.
Figure 10. Load model to Virtual HIL option

Additional Examples

You can find a wide array of example models available in the Example Explorer window, sorted by application area (shown previously in Figure 1. Most example models do not require an external control which makes them especially suitable for simulating on Virtual HIL. Additionally, several models have accompanying Application Notes and accompanying Test Automation scripts. If you are just getting started with testing using Typhoon HIL software, it is recommended to select an example model that best fits your application and experiment with what modeling options best fit your needs.

More Information

For more information on Typhoon HIL software and hardware, please refer to the provided documentation, which can be easily accessed on the web or offline via the Documentation Hub button in the software itself (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Documentation Hub
Note: For detailed guidance on how to make your own real-time simulations in the Typhoon HIL toolchain, we strongly recommend taking the HIL Specialist courses available in HIL Academy.