
typhoon.test.transformations.symmetrical_components_to_abc(signals: DataFrame, method='Fortescue')

Implements the Inverse Symmetrical Transformation to abc coordinates.

The Inverse Symmetrical transformation recreates the three-phase signal from the three components of balanced signals from the Symetrical transformation.

  • signals (pandas.DataFrame) – Signals with three columns: * First column: The Zero sequence, * Second column: The Positive sequence and, * Third column: The Negative sequence.

  • method (string) – Enables the choice of the inverse transformation method. It can be ‘Fortescue’, or ‘Power invariant’. Another value will raise exception.


>>> from typhoon.test.signals import pandas_3ph_sine
>>> from typhoon.test.transformations import abc_to_symmetrical_components, symmetrical_components_to_abc
>>> signals = pandas_3ph_sine(amplitude=1, frequency=60, duration=1, Ts=1e-4, phase=0)
>>> output1 = abc_to_symmetrical_components(signals)  # Implcit method = "Fortescue"
>>> signal_inv1 = symmetrical_components_to_abc(output1)
>>> output2 = abc_to_symmetrical_components(signals, "Power invariant")  # Implcit method = "Fortescue"
>>> signal_inv2 = symmetrical_components_to_abc(output1, "Power invariant")

The output1 and output2 will both be pandas.DataFrame with three columns each corresponding the three-phase coordinates.