
class typhoon.types.phasors.Phasors3ph(phasor1, phasor2, phasor3, symmetrical_components=False)

Bases: AliasTuple

Creates a Phasors3ph tuple.

Implements a set of three phasors representing a three-phase quantity. Is essentially a Tuple, subclassing AliasTuple.

This can be created from abc Phasors and the symmetrical components will automatically be calculated and accessible from the Phasor3ph object.

It can also be created from v012 symmetrical components phasores, in which case abc components will be automatically calculated an accessible as well.

  • phasor1 (Phasor) – First phasor

  • phasor2 (Phasor) – Second phasor

  • phasor3 (Phasor) – Third phasor

  • symmetrical_components – If True, consider phasor1/2/3 as v012 symmetrical components. If false, consider phasor1/2/3 as abc components.


Importing functions:

>>> from typhoon.types.phasors import Phasor, Phasors3ph
>>> from typhoon.test.transformations import symmetrical_components

Creating single phasors

>>> Va = Phasor(mag=5, angle=53)
>>> Vb = Phasor(mag=7, angle=-164)
>>> Vc = Phasor(mag=7, angle=105)

Creating a Phasors3ph

>>> set = Phasors3ph(Va, Vb, Vc)

Accessing individual components

>>> print(set.s0)
>>> print(set.s1)
>>> print(set.s2)

Printing the set

>>> print(set)
>>> print(set.s012)

Creating set from symmetrical components

>>> V0, V1, V2 = symmetrical_components(Va, Vb, Vc)
>>> set2 = Phasors3ph(V0, V1, V2, symmetrical_components=True)

Getting the automatically generated a, b and c components:

>>> print(set2.a)
>>> print(set2.b)
>>> print(set2.c)

Getting symmetrical components from set defined in abc:

>>> set = Phasors3ph(Phasor(mag=277,angle=0), Phasor(mag=177, angle=100), Phasor(mag=200, angle=-140))
>>> print(set.pos_seq)
>>> print(set.neg_seq)
>>> print(set.zero_seq)