********** Modbus API ********** **Module:** ``typhoon.api.modbus`` Modbus Client Initialization ---------------------------- To initialize one TCP based Modbus client first you should make object of ``TCPModbusClient()`` class Many of Modbus client options can be set directly in constructor or later by using dedicated functions:: import typhoon.api.modbus as modbus # create instance of the Modbus TCP client # in case any arguments are invalid ValueError exception will be raised try: modbus_client = modbus.TCPModbusClient(host="", port=502, auto_open=True) except ValueError: print("Invalid arguments...") Create the Modbus client and set options with the dedicated functions:: import typhoon.api.modbus as modbus # create instance of the Modbus TCP client # in case any arguments are invalid ValueError exception will be raised try: modbus_client = modbus.TCPModbusClient() except ValueError: print("Invalid arguments...") # set host modbus_client.set_host("") # set port modbus_client.set_port(502) # enable auto open feature modbus_client.set_auto_open(True) Nearly all Modbus API functions raise one or more exceptions in order to distinguish different errors that can occur. Modbus exceptions hierarchy are displayed below. .. figure:: img/modbus_exceptions.png If you want to catch all Modbus exceptions you should catch base ``ModbusError`` exception:: from typhoon.api.modbus.exceptions import ModbusError try: modbus_client.read_input_registers_adv("501i,[502,503]u,[504,505,506,507]f") except ModbusError as ex: print(ex) In case you want to distinguish different errors you should catch them separately:: from typhoon.api.modbus.exceptions import ModbusError, ModbusNotConnected, ModbusInvalidRegSpec try: modbus_client.read_input_registers_adv("501i,[502,503]u,[504,505,506,507]f) except ModbusNotConnected as ex: print(ex) # doo something in case connection is not opened except ModbusInvalidRegSpec as ex: print(ex) # doo something in case provided registers specification is invalid except ModbusError as ex: print(ex) # doo something in case read error occurs `API references`_ _________________ .. automodule:: typhoon.api.modbus .. autoclass:: TCPModbusClient :members: :special-members: __init__ :member-order: bysource `Utility module`_ _________________ .. automodule:: typhoon.api.modbus.util :members: :member-order: bysource